Canada Finally Releases Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026

Post by : Admin on Nov 15,2023


The time has come again to connect with your certified Canadian immigration consultants. Canada, after all, has released its Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026. The targets are the same as they were in the 2023 plan. That means the targets from 2024 to 2026 will remain economic, refugee, humanitarian and family. The government plans to invite 485,000 new immigrants in 2024 and an additional 500,000 immigrants in 2026, according to the new plan. 

Targets in the Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026

IRCC expects to invite 114,000 immigrants from the family class in 2024 which is about 24% of all admissions. The number is expected to rise to 118,000 by 2026. 

Similarly, Canada is all set to welcome 281,135 immigrants from the economic class, which is 58% of the annual target. The number is expected to rise to 301,250 by 2026, 

The government will also welcome 89,865 immigrants from the humanitarian class. These also include protected persons and refugees. The target is expected to rise to 80,832 immigrants by 2026. 

What to Expect From Express Entry and PNP Categories?

IRCC plans to target 110,700 permanent resident applications from the Express Entry pool in 2024. The number will rise to 117,500 in 2025 and 2026 individually. 

The PGP or Parents and Grandparents Program plans to target 32,000 immigrants in 2024 and 34,000 in 2025 and 2026. The spousal, partner and children sponsorship program targets 82,000 applications in 2024. The number is expected to rise to 84,000 in 2025 and 2026. 

The PNP or Provincial Nominee Program plans to target 110,000 applications in 2024. The number will rise to 120,000 in each of 2025 and 2026. 

Why do the Targets Remain Unchanged in Immigration Levels? 

According to the Canadian Government, the purpose of the Immigration Levels Plan is to stabilize economic growth and focus on areas that need consistent attention. Examples of such areas include healthcare, infrastructure and housing. The targets remain unchanged because those areas need eligible immigrants. So, the plan provides the government with a roadmap to attaining stable and sustainable population growth. 

Let’s say you want to apply for a permanent residenceship over the next three years. The Immigration Levels Plan is your guideline. You can follow the criteria in any one of the classes included in the Plan such as humanitarian, family and economic. 

According to the IRPA or Immigration and Refugees Protection Act, the federal government must announce the annual immigration plan in non-election years by 1st November. 

New Approach to the Canadian Immigration System 

The Immigration Levels Plan isn’t the only step towards modernizing the Canadian immigration system. Marc Miller, Immigration Minister revealed a new approach on 31st October. The new strategy is known as ‘An Immigration System for Canada’s Future’. It has three goals such as:

  • Develop a well-coordinated growth plan 
  • Resonate immigration and labour market requirements 
  • Establish a more welcoming experience for newcomers 

All in all, IRCC plans to align the labour and economic needs of the country with immigration policies. They are most likely to develop an integrated plan including all levels of Canadian Government. Thus, the new population can expect adequate infrastructure, healthcare and housing. 

Growth of Immigration Levels in Canada 

The Canadian Government didn’t emphasize immigration policies in the late 1980s. All policies were made based on the status of the economy in the country. Things changed after 1980. 

Canada welcomed up to 90,000 immigrants in 1984. The federal government was then run by the Conservative Party. They realized the urgency of labour shortage issues and increased immigration targets to 250,000 over eighty years. 

The Liberal Government was elected in 1993. The Canadian Government continued focusing on increasing immigration targets. About 260,000 immigrants were sent invitations every year till the current Liberal Government was elected in 2015. Now the current government increased the targets to 300,000 and 340,000 respectively before the pandemic. 

In 2021, however, Canada sent invitations to about 405,000 new immigrants. 

Currently, Canada is struggling with labour market shortages, housing problems and an affordability crisis. Thus, the Government takes every initiative required to maintain a steady economic and population growth in Canada. 

If you too want to make the most of immigration policies in Canada, talk to professional immigration consultants. They can guide you through the entire process and documentation until you achieve your Canadian goal. 


PR Requirements Made Easier for Doctors in Canada

Post by : Admin on Jul 08,2023

There’s good news for doctors seeking permanent residency (PR) in Canada. The immigration minister, Sean Fraser, signed a temporary public policy to ease the requirements doctors need to fulfill to attain the PR. The exemptions became effective on 25th April 2023. The validity remains unless anything otherwise is mentioned by the minister. 

Are you a foreign national doctor providing publicly-funded medical services in Canada? Then the temporary policy frees you of specific obligations that may have created an obstacle in your PR journey. In other words, the exemptions make it easier for international physicians to become permanent residents in Canada. 

Why are the Exemptions Important? 

The purpose of these exemptions is to enhance the eligibility criteria for self-employed foreign national physicians. The Canadian Government wants more candidates to qualify for the Express Entry system. And to do so, the physicians had to show their experience of continuous work in Canada for a minimum of a year after they have issued their PR visa. 

Not all physicians and doctors are able to do so due to their nature of work arrangements. But, that also doesn’t mean they aren’t qualified enough to become permanent residents here. 

Similarly, several physicians here work as independent contractors. They provide publicly financed medical services under a fee-for-service model. The nature of their work is redeemed ineligible to qualify for the Express Entry system. 

Thus, the new exemptions focus on helping these candidates meet the FSWP and CEC eligibility criteria and enter the Express Entry pool efficiently. Foreign national physicians also get a better chance at receiving ITAs for PR with these new exemptions. 

What are the Changes in Eligibility Criteria for Foreign National Physicians? 

In specific occupations, the physician doesn’t need to show their continuous employment for a year at least according to the new temporary public policy. But, only a healthcare organization, government entity, province or territorial government or a government-appointed body can make the job offer. 

Prior to the new policy, independent contractors were considered self-employed and hence not eligible for Express Entry. Thanks to the exemptions, now they can also qualify and become permanent residents of Canada. 

Which Occupations are Eligible for Exemptions? 

NOC 2021 

NOC 2016

NOC 31100 - Specialist in clinical and laboratory medicine
NOC 31101 - Specialist in surgery
NOC 31102 - General practitioner and family physician 

NOC 3111 - Specialist physician 

NOC 3112 - General practitioner 


Final Thoughts, 

All in all, the Canadian Government has brought forth exemptions to fix the healthcare shortage in Canada. Now foreign national physicians who work as independent contractors or are self-employed can claim CRS points for their work experience. Also, the physicians do not need to show continuous employment for a year to attain the PR. 

Whether you want to immigrate to Canada as a healthcare professional, a caregiver or a skilled worker in any niche, licensed consultants can make things simpler for you. At Onkar Immigration, we have highly trained and licensed immigration consultants to equip you with all the knowledge and guidance you need to live your Canadian dream.

RNIP Program All Set To Be A Permanent Immigration Pathway to Canada

Post by : Admin on Jun 15,2023

According to Canada’s Immigration Minister Sean Fraser, the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot or RNIP program may become a permanent immigration pathway soon. The program has been quite a success since its launch in the pandemic. In 2021, it welcomed around 390 permanent residents. The number tripled in 2022 and January 2023 has already witnessed 510 candidates gain Canadian permanent residence. It is expected that the program would bring more people in in the future. 

How is the RNIP Program Helpful?

The RNIP is an attempt to help specific Canadian provinces leverage the benefits of economic immigration. It is a community-driven project that also lets skilled foreign workers acquire permanent residency in Canada. The program involves five provinces such as Saskatchewan, Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba and Alberta. 11 communities from these provinces can participate in it. 

Addresses labour shortages in Canadian communities 

It is now easier to settle in smaller Canadian communities through the RNIP. With more immigrants arriving in the smaller communities, the local economy is improved and more jobs are created in the specific provinces. 

Fraser said, “The RNIP has provided a great opportunity for rural communities across Canada to access the talent they need to grow their economies and create jobs”

The Canadian Government wants the rural areas to remain prosperous in the coming years. Thus, it may make the RNIP a permanent immigration pathway and provide the provinces with a new generation of entrepreneurs and workers. 

Encourages skilled immigrants to settle in smaller communities 

The RNIP welcomes skilled workers who have the potential to contribute to career opportunities, population and local businesses. Consider this an opportunity for qualified candidates to establish themselves in smaller communities. The program also asks the employers to provide you with all the necessary skills required to thrive in the province. 

How can communities participate?

Communities interested in participating should: 

  • Have a maximum of 50,000 people or a population of up to 200,000 people 
  • Have a distance of at least 75km from the core of a census metropolitan area or be rendered ‘remote’ by the Statistics Canada Remoteness Index

How can candidates apply?

Candidates need to comply with specific selection criteria set by the participating communities and the federal government. You need to show at least a year of full-time or part-time work experience in the last three years to qualify for the program. Make sure your work experience is relevant to the responsibilities mentioned in the latest NOC. 

Note: If you have been self-employed or worked an unpaid job, that is not considered work experience in RNIP. 

Can International students apply without legit work experience?

Yes, you can apply without work experience for the program as an international student. However, the other selection criteria include:

  • Having a doctoral or master’s degree 
  • Completed a post-secondary course of at least two years 
  • Full-time student for two or more years 
  • Completed studies within 18 months of submitting the PR application 
  • Spending a minimum of 16 months studying in the specific community

You also do not need work experience after graduating with a higher degree. In that case, the selection criteria include: 

  • Full-time study program in the specific community 
  • Present in the community throughout the study program 
  • Obtained the degree within 18 months of applying for PR

What about the RNIP-adjusted settlement funds?

Candidates need to showcase their proof of financial stability in the RNIP program. This assures the authorities that you have sufficient resources to support yourselves and your family members. You are exempted from this only if you are already legally working in Canada. 

You can provide them with proof through investments, documents showing real property and bank account statements. The required amount of funds has changed after 23rd September and looks something like this: 


Number of family members 

Funds you need 















For an additional family member



Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the RNIP program in Canada?

The RNIP program stands for Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. It lets skilled foreign workers settle in smaller Canadian communities. It was a temporary attempt to fill labour shortages during the pandemic in 11 Canadian provinces such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, British Columbia and Manitoba. The immigration minister, however, is planning to make it permanent since it has been a huge success. 

How successful is the RNIP program? 

The RNIP was launched during the pandemic to fill the labour gaps in smaller communities in Canada. It has been immensely successful since then. Thus, the immigration minister is planning to make this a permanent immigration pathway. 

Will the RNIP program remain valid after 23rd August 2023?

Yes, according to the immigration minister, the RNIP program will extend beyond its stipulated date.


New PTE Core Test Added To The English Language Proficiency Tests

Post by : Admin on Jun 15,2023

The Pearson Test of English or PTE is now an approved English proficiency test. IRCC announced on 12th May that Pearson Canada Inc. has renamed their English language test as PTE core. The update is applicable to all economic permanent residency programs such as Express Entry categories, Agri-Food Pilot, PNPs, RNIP and more. Though approved and launched, there is still no definite date when IRCC will accept PTE scores. 

The English proficiency test is an integral part of the Canadian immigration process. Initially, the interested candidates had to submit test results from IELTS and CELPIP, approved English-language tests. With the new update, now you can submit PTE test results as well. 

Impact of PTE Core Test on Study Permit Applications 

A language proficiency test is mandatory for enrollment in a DLI. PTE tests are legit in some DLIs for general study permit applications. 

In the case of non-SDS applications, you need to submit your DLI enrollment proof to IRCC. Also, attach the language test results as a supporting document. 

PTE Score Requirements for Immigration in Canada 

IRCC has set some Canadian Language Benchmark or CLB levels for immigrants.  

Here are the general CLB requirements:

CLB Levels









































Possible PTE CLB levels: 


CLB Levels









































Minimum Language Requirement for FSWP

A CLB level of 7 is mandatory for FSWP or Federal Skilled Worker Program on all four aspects. In the case of IELTS, however, each module must have a band score of 6 to qualify for FSWP. The required PTE score is supposed to be around 46 after comparing all scores. 

Let’s say you got an 8 in IELTS listening and a 7 in the other modules. So, that is equivalent to a PTE score of 84 in listening and 66 in others. 

The required CLB for Canadian Experience Class is level 7 for TEER 0 or TEER 1 occupations. The mandatory IELTS scores are 6 in every module whereas the PTE score is expected to be 46 in each module. If you want to apply for TEER 2 or TEER 3 jobs, the required CLB level is 5, the IELTS score is 4 in reading and 5 in rest and possible PTE scores are 15=18 in reading and 29 in others.

New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot | What You Need To Know

Post by : Admin on Mar 04,2023

The New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot is yet another economic immigration program meant to bridge the vacancies in the labour force. Skilled workers can use this program to work in some of the most in-demand occupations in New Brunswick. The NBCWP also lets specific employers help immigrants adjust and contribute to the community.

Our immigration consultants are here to guide you through the entire NBCWP application process.

Get in touch if you are interested.

New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot | What Is It?

The Government of New Brunswick brought forth the New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot. This lets GNB choose the most skilled individuals to economically establish themselves in New Brunswick.

All in all, the New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot serves two main purposes:

  • Keep track of and meet immigration demands
  • Deliver the best potential results for the province

Unlike most immigration programs in Canada, the NBCWP also has something important in store for employers.

It allows employers to equip immigrants with everything necessary for them to contribute to the community. It may include on-job-training, language support, etc.

Which Employers Can Participate in the NBCWP?

Here are the employers who can take part in this five-year pilot program:

  • Cooke Aquaculture
  • McCain Foods.
  • Groupe Westco
  • Imperial Manufacturing
  • Groupe Savoie Inc.
  • J.D. Irving Ltd.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for Employers?

The employers should:

  • Reflect on their human resource strategy for hiring skilled international workers and improving on-the-job capabilities
  • Help students willing to pursue their secondary education equivalency in Canada
  • Show firm settlement plans for transportation and housing
  • Convey up to 200 hours of language instructions

What are the stages of approval for the Immigration Program?

There are two stages of approval in the New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot program:

Apply for a nomination certificate

You can apply for the New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot through an online application if:

  • You meet all eligibility criteria
  • You have the support of your employer in New Brunswick
  • The support is in the form of a signed Employer Information form

Apply to IRCC for a T13 work permit and PR visa

You can apply to the IRCC if GNB nominated you for the pilot program. Your spouse and other dependents should meet all statutory requirements to get through the criminal, security and medical admissions process.

Wrapping Up,

The New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot brings good news for both immigrants and employers. Though it has no intention of reuniting families, the NBCWP certainly addresses labour shortages in the province.

At Onkar Immigration, we have certified immigration consultants to guide you through the application process. Our team will equip you with all the necessary information required to get through the New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot program hassle-free.