Canada Finally Releases Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026

Post by : Admin on Nov 15,2023


The time has come again to connect with your certified Canadian immigration consultants. Canada, after all, has released its Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026. The targets are the same as they were in the 2023 plan. That means the targets from 2024 to 2026 will remain economic, refugee, humanitarian and family. The government plans to invite 485,000 new immigrants in 2024 and an additional 500,000 immigrants in 2026, according to the new plan. 

Targets in the Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026

IRCC expects to invite 114,000 immigrants from the family class in 2024 which is about 24% of all admissions. The number is expected to rise to 118,000 by 2026. 

Similarly, Canada is all set to welcome 281,135 immigrants from the economic class, which is 58% of the annual target. The number is expected to rise to 301,250 by 2026, 

The government will also welcome 89,865 immigrants from the humanitarian class. These also include protected persons and refugees. The target is expected to rise to 80,832 immigrants by 2026. 

What to Expect From Express Entry and PNP Categories?

IRCC plans to target 110,700 permanent resident applications from the Express Entry pool in 2024. The number will rise to 117,500 in 2025 and 2026 individually. 

The PGP or Parents and Grandparents Program plans to target 32,000 immigrants in 2024 and 34,000 in 2025 and 2026. The spousal, partner and children sponsorship program targets 82,000 applications in 2024. The number is expected to rise to 84,000 in 2025 and 2026. 

The PNP or Provincial Nominee Program plans to target 110,000 applications in 2024. The number will rise to 120,000 in each of 2025 and 2026. 

Why do the Targets Remain Unchanged in Immigration Levels? 

According to the Canadian Government, the purpose of the Immigration Levels Plan is to stabilize economic growth and focus on areas that need consistent attention. Examples of such areas include healthcare, infrastructure and housing. The targets remain unchanged because those areas need eligible immigrants. So, the plan provides the government with a roadmap to attaining stable and sustainable population growth. 

Let’s say you want to apply for a permanent residenceship over the next three years. The Immigration Levels Plan is your guideline. You can follow the criteria in any one of the classes included in the Plan such as humanitarian, family and economic. 

According to the IRPA or Immigration and Refugees Protection Act, the federal government must announce the annual immigration plan in non-election years by 1st November. 

New Approach to the Canadian Immigration System 

The Immigration Levels Plan isn’t the only step towards modernizing the Canadian immigration system. Marc Miller, Immigration Minister revealed a new approach on 31st October. The new strategy is known as ‘An Immigration System for Canada’s Future’. It has three goals such as:

  • Develop a well-coordinated growth plan 
  • Resonate immigration and labour market requirements 
  • Establish a more welcoming experience for newcomers 

All in all, IRCC plans to align the labour and economic needs of the country with immigration policies. They are most likely to develop an integrated plan including all levels of Canadian Government. Thus, the new population can expect adequate infrastructure, healthcare and housing. 

Growth of Immigration Levels in Canada 

The Canadian Government didn’t emphasize immigration policies in the late 1980s. All policies were made based on the status of the economy in the country. Things changed after 1980. 

Canada welcomed up to 90,000 immigrants in 1984. The federal government was then run by the Conservative Party. They realized the urgency of labour shortage issues and increased immigration targets to 250,000 over eighty years. 

The Liberal Government was elected in 1993. The Canadian Government continued focusing on increasing immigration targets. About 260,000 immigrants were sent invitations every year till the current Liberal Government was elected in 2015. Now the current government increased the targets to 300,000 and 340,000 respectively before the pandemic. 

In 2021, however, Canada sent invitations to about 405,000 new immigrants. 

Currently, Canada is struggling with labour market shortages, housing problems and an affordability crisis. Thus, the Government takes every initiative required to maintain a steady economic and population growth in Canada. 

If you too want to make the most of immigration policies in Canada, talk to professional immigration consultants. They can guide you through the entire process and documentation until you achieve your Canadian goal.